The film version of The Lightning Thief was released in February of 2010. In general, I am hesitant of watching movies based on books, especially books I enjoyed, because I am terrified that the director will ruin the story. Occasionally, I do find the movies enjoyable, though, despite the fact that I believe, with very few exceptions, that the book is always better. I watched The Lightning Thief with my husband and eight-year-old son, neither of whom had read the book. That way I could get both perspectives on the movie. Perhaps predictably, my husband and son both enjoyed the movie. And, really, I enjoyed it as well, although I did keep sort of a running list of plot points that had been changed or left out completely. The first change that I found interesting was the change in the ages of the characters. In the books, Percy and Annabeth are 12; in the movie, they are much older teens, maybe 16 or 17. I suppose that the director felt that the characters actions in the story would be more believable for audiences if they were older. I, however, felt that their younger age was important to the story: they are demigods--they should be able to do more than other children their age. I also felt that it may have been a poor choice to up their ages if the producer intends to make film versions of any of the other books in the series. Very quickly, the characters will be too older for the timeline in the books, as will the actors. I also found some of the changes and omissions in the film interesting. For example, little is mentioned about Annabeth's past, how she came to Camp Half-Blood, or her relationship with Luke as presented in the book. This, too, may cause issues in subsequent movies, as this information becomes increasingly important throughout the series. Also, some important characters from the book are missing from the film or have a much smaller role: Clarisse, Dionysus, Ares, and Thalia, for example. Some of the locations visited during the quest are also changes, as well as some of the monsters Percy, Annabeth, and Grover encounter.
Overall, while I believe the film could have been better had they stuck more strictly to the novel, I have to admit that the film was entertaining. It certainly caught my son's attention and peaked his interest in reading the books in the series. The elements I loved most about the book--the hero's quest and the use of Greek mythology--are still strong in the film, as are the themes of the novel: loyalty, trust, bravery, responsibility, friendship, and family. I certainly think the film could be used to give readers a visual for the various gods and goddesses and monsters mentioned in the novel and could provide for an interesting compare and contrast activity for students who have read the book and then watched the film.
Barnathan, M., Columbus, C., Hammel, T. M., Harlacker, J. Morgan, M., Oseary, G., Radcliffe, M.,
Rosenfelt, K, Swallow, K. (Producers) & Columbus, C. (Director). Percy Jackson and the
Olympians: The lightning thief. United States: Fox 2000 Pictures.
Riordan, R. (2006). Percy Jackson and the Olympians: Book one: The lightning thief. New York:
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